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Issue 14 * 02 March 2024

Holistic Skincare Secrets from Margo Marrone: Organic Pharmacy's Co-Founder Reveals All

A holistic approach to beauty and wellness with Margo Marrone, pharmacist, homoeopath, shaman, and co-founder of the Organic Pharmacy. Margo combines her knowledge in pharmacy, homoeopathy, and shamanism to offer a perspective on skincare and overall health.

Bethan Cole

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Holistic Beginnings

Margo Marrone's journey into the realm of holistic skin care began with her first job at a local pharmacy. "My first job as a 15-year-old was a Saturday job in my local pharmacy," she reminisces. This experience sparked her interest in pharmacy, leading her to explore the deeper connections between mind, body, and wellness.

After reading Dr. Bach's "Heal Thyself," she was convinced that "disease started in the mind and with emotions." This realisation steered her towards homoeopathy and the significance of organic living. Determined to make a difference, Margo founded the Organic Pharmacy with a mission to heal in a "fun, chic, and stylish" manner.

Embracing Energy

Margo's exploration of health and wellness didn't stop at traditional methods. Fascinated by the concept of energy, she ventured into shamanism. "Homoeopathy was my first foray into energy medicine," she states, linking her practice to the scientific principles of quantum physics.

Through her studies with various shamans, she learned the importance of being "open and learn every day." Margo emphasises the interconnectedness of our existence, citing Nikola Tesla's insights on energy, frequency, and vibration as foundational to understanding our place in the universe.

Skincare Wisdom

Margo believes in a balanced approach to skincare, emphasising the role of both lifestyle and specific products. "You can’t have one without the other.

Lifestyle is very important. Also, the food you eat. Refined sugar really does age the skin. Junk food will increase inflammation," she advises. For those over 50, she stresses the importance of a dedicated skincare ritual, highlighting hydration, vitamin C, and retinol as key ingredients. "Hydration is key over 50. You want a good, multi-molecule hyaluronic acid with small, medium and large molecular weights," Margo recommends, alongside the benefits of stabilised vitamin C and encapsulated retinol.

Ageing, for Margo, comes with its positives: "For me personally, it’s about a sense of freedom and knowing who you are." She encourages embracing the wisdom and comfort that comes with age, highlighting the importance of skincare and wellness at every stage of life.

Margo Marrone's holistic approach to beauty and health, combining scientific knowledge with a deep understanding of natural and energetic principles, offers a comprehensive path to wellness. Her insights remind us of the power of integrating mind, body, and spirit in our daily lives, encouraging a more mindful and enriched existence.